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Showing posts with label English Course. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English Course. Show all posts

Interview Vocabulary

August 14, 2019
Interview Vocabulary: 1. Accomplishment (निपुणता) = something that has been achieved successfully 2. Application (आवेदन-पत्र) = a form...

How to Appreciating someone

August 13, 2019
1. Appreciating someone's photo (किसी की फोटो की तारीफ करना) a. That is a terrific photo! Who clicked it? (यह फोटो बहुत ही ज़बरदस्त...

Kitchen utensils

August 11, 2019
Kitchen utensils 1. Utensil = बर्तन 2. Vessel = पतीला 3. Spoon = चम्मच 4. Plate = थाली 5. Bowl = कटोरा 6. Jug = सुराही 7. Ove...

Indian spices with hindi

August 08, 2019
1. Cumin seeds = जीरा 2. Turmeric = हल्दी 3. Cinnamon = दालचीनी 4. Coriander Leaves = धनिया 5. Clove = लौंग 6. Black Mustard Seed...

Parts of the hand

August 08, 2019
Parts of the hand: 1. Wrist - कलाई 2. Knuckle - अंगुली का जोड़ 3. Fingernail - नाखून 4. Thumb - अंगूठा 5. Index finger/Forefinger...

Mobile Related Words

August 08, 2019
Mobile Related Words: 1. Handset (मोबाइल फ़ोन) – a mobile phone. 2. Service plan (महीने भर का कॉन्ट्रैक्ट जिसमें आपको बात करने के मिनट म...

Admire related words

July 27, 2019
Admire related words: (Admire संबंधी शब्द): 1. Revere - आदर करना As a doctor, she has saved many lives. People revere her as her hero. ...

14 Parts of an Aircraft

July 27, 2019
14 Parts of an Aircraft: 1. Fin - पंख 2. Rudder - स्टीयरिंग पहिया 3. Tailplane - विमान का अंत्य भाग 4. Elevator - विमान के उड़ते और ...