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Sexual activity - thesaurus/ Vocabulary

Ass noun
americanimpolite sexual activity

the birds and the bees phrase
the facts about sex, when they are explained to children for the first time

Blow job noun
very informal the practice of sucking a man’s sex organ to give him sexual pleasure

Bonk noun
informalbritish an act of having sex

Buggery noun
anal sex

Carnal knowledge noun
old-fashioned sexual intercourse

Climax noun
an orgasm

Coitus noun
formal the act of having sex

Cottaging noun
britishinformal sexual activity between gay men in public places such as toilets

Coupling noun
literary sexual activity

Cybersex noun
the use of the Internet to have sexual experiences, for example by having a sexual conversation with someone

Ejaculation noun
the action of ejaculating

Encounter noun
an occasion when people have sex, especially in a way that was not planned

the facts of life phrase
the facts about sex and how babies are made

Favours noun
old-fashioned sexual acts that one person agrees to do with another

Free love noun
the idea that people should have the freedom to have sex with as many different people as they like, whether or not they are married or in a relationship

Fuck noun
offensive an extremely offensive word for an act of having sex with someone

Gang bang noun
informal a situation in which a group of people have sex with one person, usually using force

Gang bang noun
informal a situation in which a lot of people have sex together at the same time

Hanky-panky noun
informal sexual activity

Intercourse noun
sexual intercourse

in the sack phrase
in bed, used especially when referring to people having sex

Intimacy noun
formal the sexual act. This word is used especially by lawyers or the police

know someone in the biblical way/sense phrase
to have had sex with someone

Love making noun
sex, especially between people who love each other

Ménage à trois noun
sexual activity involving three people

the missionary position noun
a position for having sex in which a man and woman lie facing each other with the man on top and the woman on her back

Nookie noun
humorous sexual activity

One-night stand noun
a situation in which two people have sex once and then do not have a relationship with each other

Oral sex noun
sexual activity in which one person uses their mouth on another person’s sexual organs in order to give them pleasure

Orgasm noun
the stage of sexual activity when sexual pleasure is strongest

Penetration noun
a sexual act in which a man puts his penis into his partner’s vagina or anus

Phone sex noun
communication by phone in which people talk to each other for sexual pleasure

Pillow talk noun
informal conversations between sexual partners when they are in bed together

Position noun
a way that two people place their bodies when they are having sex

Potency noun
the physical ability of a man to have sex

Quickie noun
informal used in a humorous way for talking about sex that people have in a hurry

Romp noun
mainly journalism an occasion on which people have sex without intending to have a serious relationship

Safe sex noun
sexual activity in which people are careful to avoid getting diseases, for example by using condoms

Screw noun
impolite an act of having sex

Sex life noun
someone’s sexual relationships or activities

Sexual intercourse noun
the act of having sex, especially sex between a man and woman in which the man puts his penis inside the woman’s vagina. Sexual intercourse is often simply called intercourse.

sexual relations phrase
the act of having sex with someone

Shag noun
britishimpolite an act of having sex with someone

Slap and tickle noun
britishhumorous sexual activity, especially when it does not involve serious feelings

Sodomy noun
a sexual act in which a man puts his penis into another person’s anus

Threesome noun
an occasion when three people have sex together

Union noun
very formal the activity of having sex

Explore related meanings
To have sex
Touching yourself for sexual pleasure
Kissing and touching in a sexual way
Relating to unusual and unacceptable sexual behaviour
Relating or referring to sex and sexual activity
Celibate and not showing an interest in sex
Pornography, erotica and sex toys
Sex for money
Words for people according to their sexual behaviour
Birth control
Menstruation and the menstrual cycle
Conception and making someone pregnant
The ability or inability to have or make a baby
Pregnancy and having a baby
Pregnant and be pregnant
Feeling sexual excitement or desire

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