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Facebook Vocabulary words

15 Facebook Vocabulary words:

1. Status: स्थिति/ अवस्था - 'Status' message is used to indicate the condition that someone is in at a given time or how one is feeling, or what one is doing.

2. Comment: टिप्पणी

3. Share: किसी चीज़ को औरों को बताना या बांटना

4. Ping: किसी को मैसेज करना

5. Dislike: नापसंद करना

6. Feed/ News feed:

7. Update: सूचित करना (verb)

8. Upload: To put data or images onto something (डेटा का स्थानांतरण)

9. Emoticon / Emoji: a representation of a facial expression such as :) :( (smileys)

10. Viral: an image, video, advertisement, etc., that is circulated rapidly on the Internet (वीडियो, विज्ञापन, आदि इंटरनेट पर तेजी से शेयर हो रहे हों)

11. Subscribe: सदस्यता लेना

12. Meme: this is the name of a pictures that also has writing or a message on the picture; these are often shared on Facebook (often abbreviated FB); this term also means any idea, style or action which spreads through mimicry.

13. Tag: a label attached to someone or something for the purpose of identification or to give other information. On Facebook, photos are 'tagged' to identify the people in them.

14. Trending: Becoming popular

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