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How to handle stress at office

How to handle stress at office

Step 1

Plan time for a social life

When we work long hours a day, we can feel detached from the people we love. Set time aside every week to spend time with your friends, having fun together. Do not talk about a job and do not check the business email on your phone. Just enjoy life.

Step 2

Talk to your boss

Healthy employees are usually more productive, so your boss has the benefit of creating a healthy work environment. Talk to him openly. The goal is not to complain about all the things that stress you, but to offer him an effective plan to manage the stressors at your workplace so that you are all healthier and more productive. The plan may include: opportunities for improving time management skills, creating a relaxed environment for employees, clarifying work responsibilities, obtaining the necessary support from your colleagues on time, diversifying your job responsibilities with new and meaningful tasks, or changing the interior of the office to make it more comfortable for you.

Step 3

Share with a friend

Sometimes the best way of stress reduction is simply to share with a good friend. Speaking and getting a friendly not as a response to your problems - especially if the meeting is face-to-face - can be a highly effective way to unload and return the sense of tranquility. You do not need the other person to be able or to try to solve your problems. He just has to be a good listener.

Step 4

Handle the stress around you

Even if everything is ok, you probably have to deal with the stress generated by the people around you. Confront your troubled colleague by politely pointing to their injurious behavior and describing the influence it has on you and others. Then ask him to change his behavior.

This article only expresses the views of the author, Rozdhan neither reflects nor represents the opinions exhibited in it.

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