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Time routine? Check out These simple tips

Time routine? Check out These simple tips

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All of us are guilty of spending hours on our phones and laptops before going to bed. This is the peak time for us to binge watch, scroll through social media or text our buddies. Long hours of being online in the bed not only delays us from actually going to sleep, the blue light in your screens is literally designed to keep you scrolling for longer, but also causes anxiety, eyesight related disorders and headaches. Make it a point to keep away your phone at least 30 minutes before going to bed and do not bring your devices into the bedroom. Keep them away so you are not tempted to check your notifications!

Take a shower

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A warm shower before going to sleep relaxes your muscles and brings down your stress and anxiety levels. Take a shower and slip into comfortable night clothes - this will freshen you up and also make you feel really comfortable! Studies also show that warm showers are especially good for those who have trouble going to sleep.

Read a little bit

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Reading a book before going to bed is an age old anecdote for going to sleep naturally. Reading before bed instills discipline, encourages a productive hobby and successfully keeps you away from a screen! Read for an hour before going to bed every night and your eyes will naturally get tired and drift you off to sleep!

Meditate or pray

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Expressing gratitude through prayer or meditation for the day before going to bed is a great way to stay in touch with your spiritual side. An expression of thanks or a simple pray can be chanted during meditating. This will not only make you feel optimistic but also energise you for the next day!

Go to bed at the same time every night

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Follow this step as religiously as you can. Going to bed at the same time every night sets up your body clock in such a way that you are less likely to have trouble falling asleep. If you struggle going to sleep or remaining asleep, try sticking to a particular time for going to bed for some time. You might notice an improved sleep health eventually. Make sure that you get at least seven hours of uninterrupted sleep every single night!

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