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5 Ways to Change your Life

5 Ways to Change your Life

Of course changing bad habits are annoying and some of the most difficult things to change, but it can be done. Nothing is easy but changing ourselves is one of those things where you have to be disciplined enough to fight against many of your learned indoctrination’s from family and those you have placed on yourself. The first thing you have to do is be completely honest with yourself.

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Change is difficult for everyone so you’re no different. The most powerful way to become who and what you want to be is to listen to your intuition and God. God is in you, so tune out all of your extra thoughts and really listen to your spirit and subconscious. Those urges to do things, say things and go places aren’t just there for no reason. You have to trust those urges and see what happens.


You are going to be pulled all over the place but know that from the start that is this not a process that is going to be easy. You have to find a way to stay disciplined and on track. You know things are going to shift and be hard to handle so find some kind of accountability even if it can only be you. It’s hard to find others who want to see you be your best self (although there are some out there) so you have to be everything to yourself. Be prepared to give more of yourself than you ever have to yourself- your time, money, energy, love and honesty.

credit: third party image reference

You have to literally plan, plan, and more plan. It’s hard to sit and plan anything but writing it down embeds something into your brain that helps you to stay on the course. Plus, its easier to become of a reality when you see it everyday. You are the only one who can control and create your destiny. Giving up on your dreams is like giving up on your life and air to breathe. Plan a way to get where you want to be and stick to the plan. There will be hiccups along the way but with a plan you can keep your goals in the front of your mind and find ways to continue getting there.

credit: third party image reference
Be Ready:

Like they say “Things happen for a reason” and as annoying as that may be, its the truth. If everything happened the way you planned you may miss out on opportunities you never thought would come to you. You have to be prepared to stay on your course even if things are added and/or taken out of the journey. You are powerful, and that’s how God made you. With that alone you can get through anything glorious because you are more powerful than you can ever imagine.

credit: third party image reference


Never lose sight of what you want to become and create. In order to achieve anything you have you have to believe that you can, and will. Be thankful along the way as to never become arrogant but as humble as possible. Everyday is an another day to work towards your goal(s) daily and you’ll find out how you are everything you wanted and never thought you would be.

 Your connection to God is no mistake. Keep that in the front of your mind as well and allow yourself to be completed engulfed in thankfulness to be on the journey at all.

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