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Check out the amazing benefits of banana peel

Check out the amazing benefits of banana peel

Banana is a nutritious fruit and it has several health benefits. Usually we eat the fruit and throw its peel away. Do you know the peel we are throwing away has many benefits. Come, let make use of this amazing benefits.

credit: third party image reference
1) Pain relief:

The oils present in the banana peel have analgesic property and it penetrates our skin and relieves pain.

credit: third party image reference
2) Protection from ultraviolet rays:

Banana peel protects the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays.

3) To get rid of acne and pimples:

Banana peel helps to get pimple free skin. It will also help to reduce dark spots.

credit: third party image reference
4) Good for hair:

Banana peel contains various vitamins and minerals that helps to reduce hairfall and also prevent hair related issues.
credit: third party image reference

5) Relief from insect bite:

Banana peel helps to decrease pain and itching caused due to insect bite. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing such beautiful information with us. I hope you will share some more information about benefits of banana peels. Please keep sharing.
    Benefits Of Banana Peels For Teeth
