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Friendship at different stages of life

Friendship at different stages of life

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Friendship has many stages in an individual's life. It takes years to develop a true friendship. Among all the relations, friendship is the most tricky one cause it has no condition and no rules. It is the only relation which only you can make with someone. It is said your rest of life is dependent on what type of friends you choose in your life. There is basically 4 stages in an individual's life; childhood, teenage, adulthood and old age. You can say a true friendship has a long way to go. Let's see what we get at different stages of life.

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Stage I childhood:

The most innocent part of life, no worries, free off any responsibilities, just eat, sleep and play and also little study if you are willing too. You enter new world called school and see many persons and get confused and amused. You meet new people of your age group and an unconditional bond is created between you and others. Age, sex, color and religion do not matter for you.

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Stage II youth:

After schooling, you enter the world of most essential part, college. This is where your true friendship is tested. You meet more new people and they become your company. And it is said "company does matter." Either your company will make you study well or spoil you throughout college life. But you enjoy life, you are aggressive, free to take most of your decisions, you decide what is your motto. And friends play a pivotal role in it. This is the stage where you enter the arena of true friendship.

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Stage III adulthood:

Well, after enjoying life in college or you can say wonder years, you enters the world of responsibilities where you need to take care of yourself, your family and your friends too. It is not that easy as you have to struggle with prudence to maintain your professional as well as personal life. You take a job and marry. This is where you need to make balance between them and friends.

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Stage IV old age:

The ultimate juice of life is old age cause this is the epitome of childhood, youth and adulthood. You are back to pavilion, no more responsibilities, just eat and sleep and no study. If you are lucky to have same friends still in your life from childhood, you discuss everything about your achievement in life with them. You spend your time with them and recollect memories of those golden years.

Yes, after reading what you are feeling now is called nostalgia.

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