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Know the benefits of eating tomatoes in winter

Know the benefits of eating tomatoes in winter

1. Eating ripe tomatoes without drinking water in the morning is good for health.

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2. If the child has a dry disease, then giving him a glass of tomato juice daily gives relief in the disease.

3. Tomato is very beneficial for children's mental and physical development.

4. Tomatoes can also be used to reduce obesity. Drinking one to two glasses of tomato juice daily reduces weight.

5. Tomato is also very beneficial in arthritis. Taking parsley in tomato juice daily and eating it provides relief from arthritis pain.

6. It is very beneficial to consume tomatoes during pregnancy; It contains abundant vitamin C, which is very good for abortion.

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7. If there are bugs in the stomach, then eating black pepper mixed with tomato on an empty stomach in the morning is beneficial.

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8. Red tomato is eaten by mixing black salt in raw tomatoes.

9. Rubbing tomato pulp on the face improves skin.

10. Regular intake of tomatoes helps in diabetes. This makes the eyes light up. Also, it is effective in many types of screen related problems.

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