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Never do these things in a relationship

Never do these things in a relationship

We all need happy relationship with our partners because healthy relationship brings positivity in our lives and makes it beautiful.

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But today the disputes and disagreements are increasing drastically among couples.

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If you struggling with your partner or going through a rough phase then you might be doing a few mistakes.

Let us check out some things that you should never do to maintain a beautiful relationship.

1. Don't try to be someone else:

First and the most crucial thing to be happy is being yourself. Be true to yourself. Don't try to be someone else to impress your partner or to make him like you.

Most of the times people become some other person when they are with their partner. Don't do that. Behave naturally and don't fake anything.

2. Don't lie:

Never lie when you are in a relationship or when you are going to start a new relationship. Starting a relationship with a lie is going to suffer one day or the other.

So that your partner always trusts you, never lie. Moreover, always speaking truth makes you happy, content and trustworthy.

3. Don't forget yourself:

Always remember that you come first. You can only be happy in a relationship when you are happy in your own company. Love yourself and give time to yourself. You don't always need someone's company to make you happy. Spend time with yourself. Just sit alone or do meditation or anything you like.

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4. Don't cheat:

If you are with someone give your 100 percent. Don't look for other options. If you are not happy in your relationship, be true to yourself and your partner. Talk to him or her about the problems and come to a conclusion mutually.

But never be disloyal and never cheat on your partner. Never give anyone the chance to call you a cheater.

5. Don't lose your self respect:

Sometimes when people are in a relationship they bend so much in front of their partner that they start losing their respect in their as well as their partner's eyes. Never do that. Never lose your self respect just to make your partner happy. A person who respects himself is respected by all.

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6. Don't forget your personal space:

If you are in a new relationship then surely you always want to be with your partner or always want to talk to him or her. This is quite natural but this hinders your personal space.

We all have many other important people in our lives like our family members and friends. We should give time to every important person of our life and not just our partner.

So, these were a few things that you should not be doing if you are in a relationship. If you are doing any of these mistakes, stop right now and slowly your relationship will blossom.

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