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The benefits of applying Onion Juice on Hair

The benefits of applying Onion Juice on Hair

Measures onion juice for long and dense hair

Let us discuss the benefits of Onion Juice, Onion juice is very beneficial for hair growth, according to a study, using regular onion juice on the hair and taking other nutrients helps overcome many problems associated with hair.

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Let us Discuss the use of Onion Juice on Hair.

Mixing onion juice with coconut oil will be beneficial, as with the use of coconut oil as onion juice, also the hair grows faster. Mix onion juice in lightly hot coconut oil and put it on the roots of the hair, it will increase hair soon. Hair will also shine.

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It is very beneficial to use honey for hair health, when you mix two to four teaspoons of honey with juice of the onion, and apply it properly in the roots of the hair, it will be good for hair growth as well as the necessary nutrition.

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Mixing onion juice with beer is also beneficial. First, take a round of hair from a good beer shampoo and then massage the onion juice in the hair. This remedy will help the hair grow, and hair becomes also shiny Will stay.

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If you wish, you can use onion juice to mix it without mixing it and massage the hair with it. After a few months of massage, leave onion juice for drying, when it dries, then it is good Wash the hair with shampoo.

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