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Why Fast Food is Bad for our Health!

Why Fast Food is Bad for our Health!

Here are the some reasons that why fast food is bad for our health and why we have to avoid it.

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1 Fast food do not provide us any type of energy. They are just give us satisfaction when we are hungry.

2 Fast food is not cook with fresh things. The people who cook fast food use vegetables which is good point but these vegetables are very old not fresh. By eating fast food to hunger is gone.

3 Sometimes fast food is the reason for our weak and bad health. Sometimes fast food is good but on daily basis it is not good for health.

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4 The main reasons why we have to avoid this fast food is that this will damage our immune system. Due to this damage our immune system do not know how to digest food for getting energy.

5 Fast food also cause fat in our body. This is the reason of avoiding junk food. Due to large amount of fat make us lazy and doesn't feel better.

6 Instead of eating fast food we have to eat green vegetables as much we can. Green vegetables help in creating energy for our body and make bones strong.

7 Fast food also lead loss in muscle. When fast food increase fat in body our bones getting weak. This is not good for our health.

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8 You heard this sentence a lot of time.


This is true in today's like if you are not healthy then you are not wealthy.

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