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Memory booster foods you should be eating

Memory booster foods you should be eating

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Who doesn't want to increase memory,everybody wants sharp memory to remember anything at times whenever its required.But due to increased stress,poor lifestyle,eating habits,sleep deficiency and ageing process we tend to forget things and facts ,thereby landing up in troubles and disrupting our day to day life.

Although there are number of factors effecting our memory loss ,but some of these easily available foods can help you increase memory power :

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Walnuts and Almonds - Walnuts and almonds both are good source of vitamins and minerals and antioxidants,They contain omega -3 fatty acids that helps in memory boosting and increases our concentration and information processing speed.
Strawberries and Blueberries - Both are packed with antioxidants , are rich in fiber and are low calorie food ,yet tasty too.There consumption helps in increase memory power during your old age days.
Turmeric - Turmeric is most common ingredient in every Indian recipe ,other then curing cough and cold in winter ,it really helps in boosting memory power,even some studies show daily consumption of turmeric in limited amount helps in prevention from Alzheimer disease.

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Spinach - Rich in iron spinach consumption has many health benefits,it contains memory boosting vitamins like K and E and minerals that helps in slowing down memory loss.
Dark chocolate - Eating rich dark chocolate daily improves blood flow to the brain which stimulates memory power.

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